Fightin' to remain true to her God, her family, her friends, and her future.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Here's The Plan

Today was an awesome day! It is only 10:00 am and I am done with class! My theatre arts class got cancelled, so I get to start my weekend early. I went to church last night for my freshman bible study and it was great too. I can't wait to do the next devotional in our packet. On the downside, It is still really ridiculously cold. Right now it is 37 degrees! I'm freezin' my buns off!
So, my plan for today is to get as much done as humanly possible as far as catching up in my classes goes. I'm going to study until 1:30 and then I am going to have nap time and then I am going to take a shower and get cute because Parker and I are going on a date tonight! He told me to be at his house at 7:00 pm and to make sure I didn't eat is the 2 month anniversary of our second go arround. If that confuses you, let me explain. Parker and I dated for a year and 8 months in high school and then we broke up for 7 months and two months ago we got back together. I know, its a little crazy, but it wouldn't have worked out any other way.

I woke up at 6:50 am this morning and got dressed, ate a bowl of cereal, threw my hair up in a bun and went to pick up Parker from his appartment because I didn't want him to have to ride his bike in the twenty-something degree weather for the 2 mile bike ride to campus. That boy needs to get an on campus parking permit...but he can't right now because they're not selling them. The only ones they have open are the west campus parking garage...which is still about a 1.5 mile bike ride from his classes...except he wouldn't have a bike to ride after parking in the garage! So, me being the wonderful girlfriend that I am, got up extra early to get him to class without icicles in his hair.

High of the day: in biology class we had a one question pop quiz and I got the answer right! :) And walking to class with Parker...I sound twitterpated.

So, lets get to work! To do list time!

To Do for today only:
Biol 112
1. Read Ch. 23
2. Read 1/2 of Ch. 24

Math 131
1. Do suggested homework 1.2
2. Do practice homework 1.2
3. Do homework 1.2
4. Do suggested homework 1.3

Hist 105
1. Read Unger

Thar 281
1. Watch Play

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy.

Hello all! Today was an okay day, but I have gotten really behind on my work. TGIF...almost Friday anyway. I have the weekend to catch up on everything I'm behind in. I am so tired! I did my hair really pretty today! here's a picture! So busy!

To Do List for tonight:

Biol 112
1. Read rest of ch 23
2. Try H-W problems

Hist 105
1. Read Unger


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cold Day

I went outside this morning and it was FREEZING! wayyy too cold for my taste. I met with my Biology professor (the christian woman!) and spoke with her about evolution and such and she really made me feel better about everything! she's awesome. Parker and I are going to the basketball game tonight (TAMU v. Texas Tech). BTHO Tech!

ill update a little more detailed later- in a rush! so much to do!

Biol 112
1. Attempt Hardy-Weinberg problems
2. Read rest of ch. 23

1. STUDY for quiz!
2. Skim next lab

Math 131
1. Do practice 1.2 webassign
2. Print practice 1.2 webassign
3. Do 1.2 webassign
4. Begin 1.3 suggested homework
5. Print 1.5 notes

Hist 105
1. Do assigned reading

Kine 199
1. Skim over packet

Thar 281
1. Watch The School for Scandal

1. Read for Upstream
2. Uncle Tom's Cabin
3. Municipal
4. Read Biol article

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He's Everything

I just have to talk about what happened last night.
Well, I had my late SI and Week In Review for Math 131 and Biol 112 last night from 7:15-10:00 pm way over on northside of campus (I live on southside) so I got Parker to drive me over there because I wasn't too excited about the idea of walking there in the dark and walking back in the dark. So I get out at 10:00 and I call Parker so he can come pick me up. He text me when he got there and I came out of the building and walked to his car. I opened the door, and the Brad Paisley song "She's Everything" was playing and two fudge sundaes were sitting in the cup holders and Parker had this huge grin on his face. I sat down and listened to the song, and of course, I cried. It was sooo sweet...and that fudge sundae was awesome. It made my week.

To Do List: (things that are this color have been accomplished.)
Math 131
1. Do 1.1 suggested homework
2. Do 1.1 homework webassign
3. Do 1.2 suggested homework
4. Do 1.2 homework webassign
5. Study for Quiz!

Biol 112

5. Read 1/2 of ch. 23
6. Study Lab 1

Thar 281
7. Watch media viewing assignment

Hist 105
8. Do assigned reading

7. Get Uncle Tom's Cabin
8. Take Driving record and defensive driving to municipal

***NOTE TO SELF*** no THAR class this week, but there IS a media viewing assignment!

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Work comes before play

It seems that once I finish a hefty to-do list, there is always another one on its heels waiting to replace it. siiigh. So much to do, so little time. Parker made pizza and salad for us for dinner at his appartment last night. It was sooo good, I can't lie. It was exactly what I wanted...and actually I want it again I'm probably going to head over to HEB tonight after all my class stuff is over and buy the bagged salad and ranch dressing, since Parker is out. He is really stressing about his classes, especially his Math 151 class. If anyone is reading this, it would be awesome if you could take a moment to pray for him, that he would be able to understand the material and be sucessful in the class, and to lighten his stress load...and also that he wouldn't be afraid or hesitant to make new friends in his classes and ask for help.
This semester in Upstream (a weekly freshman bible study that I attend) we are studying the book think it was James, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, I will know by the time Upstream comes around this week.

Schedule of events:
Class from 1:50-3:50
WIR and SI from 7:15-10:00
then eat and watch a movie at Parker's! :)

To Do List: (things that are this color have been accomplished.)
Math 131
1. Print week-in review
2. Print suggested homework

3. Do practice homework 1.1 on webassign
4. Print practice homework 1.1 on webassign
5. Do 1.1 suggested homework
6. Do 1.2 suggested homework
Biol 112
7. Print ch. 23 lecture slides
8. E-mail Vaughn
9. Read 1/2 of ch. 23
10. Study Lab 1
11. Re-copy SI notes
12. E-mail Dad about nerdstick and capo
13. Get Uncle Tom's Cabin
14. Buy Flash Cards
15. Take Driving record and defensive driving to municipal

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Morning :)

Good afternoon all! Parker and I went to church this morning at Central Baptist, and It was nice. I liked sitting with him in church for once. Because he has been the worship leader at his church for the past couple years at his home church, he rarely visited my church and I rarely visited his because it was 30 mins away, and I wouldn't be able to sit with him because he had to sit with the worship team. So this was really nice actually getting to sit together and experience sunday morning service together. Central Baptist wasn't a perfect fit for me, but it was still a very nice morning. Last night I got the vast majority of my biology done and I just finished the rest of it in under 20 mins. Parker is at his chemistry SI (Supplimental Instruction) and then we are both going to take all of our study stuff to the SCC (Student Computing Center) and finish up the weekend's homework, and then we will probably go to his appartment and play Age of Empires (a really fun computer game) with his room mate jake and have our mini LAN party*. I'm feeling a little sleepy, so I think I might pick up an energy drink along the way. Then I have my biology SI from 9:00-10:00 tonight...maybe a nap somewhere in there would be a good idea.

Current To Do List (updated thoughout the day):
1. Study ppts, notes, and lab from lab one for Biol 112 lab

2. Read Unger Ch. 1 for Hist 105 lecture

3. Read over 1.1 Math 131
4. Read over 1.2 Math 131
5. Keep Checking to print WIR for Monday night from 7:15-9:15 pm for Math 131

6. Get nerd stick
7. Get Uncle Tom's Cabin

*A LAN party is a temporary, sometimes spontaneous, gathering of people together with their computers, which they network together primarily for the purpose of playing multiplayer computer games. These local area networks (LANs) come in various sizes, from very small (two people) to very large (more than 10,000 people). Small parties can form spontaneously, but large ones usually require a fair amount of planning and preparation on the part of the organizer. The current world record for number of computers connected in the network at a LAN party is 10,445, set at DreamHack Winter 2007, in Jönköping, Sweden.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Big To Do list

Oh man, I feel like I have so much to do. This will probably be a short post because I just feel really bogged down right now. Parker and Amanda and I went dancing last night. It was okay. I love dancing with Parker, but I absolutely hate the bar atmosphere and my hair still smells like cigarette smoke. Gross.
My dad put a little extra weight on my shoulders too, because he wants me to finish this application for another scholarship which consists of 2 essays, and I really have like zero time for it right now but I went ahead and started one of them and actually finished it. It was a simple question, "What is good character?" but I ended up going into depth answering the question "what is good?" (which is actually pretty tricky) before I even answered the question "what is good character" I think I worked on it for like 2 hours. But its done now. anyway, I really want to take a shower and then I'll start picking things off of this to do list. siiiiiigh.

New To Do List
1. Finish reading Ch. 22 (pp. 452-467) for Biol 112

2. Read next lab for Biol 112 lab
3. Print off lab 1 ppts for Biol 112 lab
4. Study ppts and read lab 2 for Biol 112 lab

5. Print off new syllabus for Thar 281

6. Read Unger Ch. 1 for Hist 105 lecture

7. Read over 1.1 Math 131
8. Read over 1.2 Math 131
9. Keep Checking to print WIR for Monday night from 7:15-9:15 pm for Math 131

10. Finish essays for scholarship by Feb 1

11. Get nerd stick
12. Get Uncle Tom's Cabin
13. Get TI83 SOON!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First day of classes

Well, as the title would suggest, I had my first classes today...actually I am still having them. 2 down 2 to go. I already have another to do list in the making. I completed the one from the last post though!
I had biology 112 this morning at 8:00 a.m. I LOVE my professor so far. She is really organized and has no foreign accent! And even though that may seem like a small detail, it really plays a big role. Last semester I had Dr. Wei Wan for biology...and as the name would suggest she had a very heavy accent and she hadn't completely mastered the English language. At first it was kind of funny, but then when we delved into more complicated material the humor evaporated. This class was summed up quite nicely in one sentence written by one student on pick-a-prof, "Have fun learning biology in CHINESE!" My biology professor for this semester (Dr. Vaughan) is a white American woman with a hint of a southern accent. She was all smiles and excited for class. Of course every biology class that I will take will discuss Darwinian Evolution. I'm cool with that, because evolution is legitimate! I just have issues with their "evolution genesis" as i like to call it, because I am a creationist. But the first thing Dr. Vaughan says is that she is an elder in her church and sings in the choir! She addressed the evolution topic saying that there is a way to have both, and that it is obvious that populations evolve, but this doesn't mean we must change our faith, and thus indirectly saying that she is not a believer in evolution genesis, but just the evolution process itself! HOW REFRESHING! She even said we can come to her office hours and talk about it if anyone should feel uncomfortable or wants to know more about how one can believe both evolution and creation. (although she never actually said the word "Creation". Smart woman.) Oh! and I turned in my bio sheet and got my 2 bonus points :)

Then I had my Math 131 class with Dr. Allen...annnnd...I LOVE HER TOO! She is young and cute and AMERICAN! No, I'm not looking to see if she's single or anything lol, but this finding a good professor thing is kind of like a dating life! The only thing with that class is I have to buy this code for the online homework...and the code costs 35$ (of course). And my graphing calculator is a Cassio and I need a TI 83 for the there goes 100+$. oh and also, I lost my flash drive (or nerd stick as I like to call it) today...I keep it on my ID tag necklace thingie and I looked down at it at one point today and it was that means I lost all of my stuff from last semester...but at least I lost it early on in this semester so I didn't lose valuable files for this current semester!

I'm eating some fat free chocolate pudding right now :) its yummy.

anyways, let's start on that to do list:
1.Get a TI83 for math 131
2.Get access code for math 131
3.Print notes (e mailed) for math 131
4.Finish handout for math 131
5.Do the 3 tutorials for "webassign @ TAMU" for math 131

6.Get goggles for biol 112 lab
7.Print lecture notes (& learning objectives) for biol 112
8.Read ch. 22 pp. 452-467 for biol 112

9.Get a new nerd stick
10.Pick up perscription at HEB

My next class is at 1:50 and its History 105 and then I have my Theatre Arts class right after that! I'll let ya know how it goes!


Monday, January 19, 2009

TAMU Spring 2009

Well, the Spring '09 semester officially starts classes won't start until Wednesday though. And why am I so special? Well, in my regular schedule I don't have class on Tuesdays, and since the first day of the semester is a Tuesday, I don't have class. Its nice. I have an extra day to get organized because I still have several things that I need to get done. Here's my mini to-do list:
1. Go to the SCC and...
a. Print Biol 112 lecture syllabus [elearning]
b. Print Thar syllabus [elearning/email]
c. Print Bio Page (WITH PICTURE) and finish [elearning]
2. Buy a large accordion filing folder
3. Buy 2 folders with pockets

On a lighter note, Parker and I cooked dinner together at his appartment. We invited my room mate, Amanda to eat with us and it was really nice. It was stressful getting the food ready though. Little things went wrong like Parker forgot to thaw out the we had to go to HEB and buy the meat...and HEB was absolutely crawling with people. Not fun at all. But the end result was quite nice.

Oh! Also, this is my third day in a row to work out at the rec. I have been running and lifting weights...mainly the weights that take away love handles and inner thigh...cough...problem areas. I've been doing abs and arms too, and man am I sore. I went to the grocery store and bought low fat everything and lots of fruit. I just want to be trim like a college girl should be. Parker makes it hard though. I spend a significant amount of time at his appartment and there is nothing diet about his diet. So, like for instance, I made a PB&J sandwich at my dorm to take to his appartment because my bread is 40 cal (his is 80) and my peanut butter is reduced fat. So, I am trying, but it makes it difficult being here with all the "good" food all around me. Parker also like 15 mins ago said he was still hungry after dinner. (of course I am too, with my bottomless stomach, but I planned on ignoring it and just going to bed. Its too late to be eating if I want to lose weight) So Parker says he wants "a greasy cheeseburger" and that we should go get one. Seriously, those words are like food porn in my mind. Then I start thinking about how I want one...oh man I shouldn't get started. Anyway, he doesn't mean any harm. Heck, he's not on a diet! He could prolly use a greasy cheeseburger in his system. All 175 pounds of him at 6'2''. On the other hand, my 165 pound 5'5'' figure could do without.

Well, I am going to wrap it up. Parker becons, "Hey, babe. What do you want to eat? Hurry up, lets go get something."

Uhg. Diets suck.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

We Need to Catch Up!

I don't quite have the hang of this blogging thing yet. I'm rusty. Its been too long since I was in the blogging scene! So much to catch up on. So since the last thing I addressed was my love life, I suppose I should update that first. I dated a great young man named Parker from July 29, 2006 until April 15, 2008. No breakups, it was completely legit. on our one year anniversary he gave me a promise ring, and I am happy to say that I am wearing it again. We decided to give "us" another shot on November 30, 2008. So its new again, and it has been a very good experience so far. He is nineteen years old, and will turn twenty on February 19th of this year. He is also attending Texas A&M, which I am so very excited about. He is a Computer Science major and I am Biomedical Science. Just a couple of ags in love. (yes, the picture is of us)
Also, I am finally back, College Station! I missed you so! I am all moved in to my dorm and my room mate is too! Her name is Amanda. Shes really the best. I don't know if I could have survived first semester without her. Shes been such a rock for me.
Oh, and I'm sure you're all wondering: Yes, I passed all of my finals. :) A few with flying colors, I might add. I finished the semester with a 3.066 GPR. not too shabby for a first semester.
And last, but most certainly not least, I want to say "I love you" to someone very special, and someone whom of which I am very proud of, and that is my cousin Laura. You're amazing.
