Fightin' to remain true to her God, her family, her friends, and her future.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My new hobby is studying...apparently.

I am so worn out. All I have done today is gone to class and studied. I am really hungry! I am really running low on fuel. I have 2 tests on Wednesday (Calculus and History) and a big quiz on thursday. I feel like I have no more energy...I need to rest, but there's no time! I'm really losing it. There is just a lot of information to know for these next 2 tests...and quite a lot for that quiz...but I'm not even going to think about the quiz yet. I'm going to focus on the tests, and then whenever wednesday night rolls around, I will deal with my lab assignment and my lab quiz. I missed the t.u. men's basketball game on campus tonight because I had to go to a calculus study session...Parker went...he said it was awesome...and we won. Dang. I really feel like crying. I am just so tired and so worn...

To Do List:
Math 131:
1. Repeat review questions
2. Go over every section

Hist 105:
1. Do practice test I made
2. Review notes



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you are a big girl and you already know but your future/ lively hood comes first PK will always understand

February 16, 2009 at 9:27 PM


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